Friday, February 4, 2011

Are believing and knowing the same?

Mankind has always perceived that there is something about our existence that we just don’t understand. We just can’t put our finger on it. Whether it be through science or religion, we have struggled with questions such as, “What is the meaning of life?”, since our beginning. Why are we here? Where did we come from? Were we created by a higher power? Did we evolve from a lower life form? What is our purpose? What happens when we die?  So we seek. We seek answers. Some seek truth. Some seek comfort. Some don’t care. Although some of us admit to the realization that we just don’t have all the answers, there are many who believe all the knowledge we need can easily be found at our fingertips in certain books.

Anyone who believes anything, believes that their own beliefs are the truth. No one believes their beliefs are wrong. I know what you’re thinking, “Of coarse they don’t, you moron!” But, just take a little time and let that thought set in a bit. Think about it. There are some things in life that we all agree on. If we drop an apple off the roof it will fall and hit the ground. If we fill a bathtub to the top then get in water will splash out onto the floor. If a tree falls it the woods and no one is around...oh, never mind that one. However, there are other issues that we don’t agree on; at all. Everyone has beliefs, and yet not everyone’s beliefs coincide. Logically this means not everyone is right. Someone is wrong; a lot of some ones actually. Yet everyone believes it is the other guy who is wrong, while never once thinking it could be them selves.

Is it possible that what you believe is not true? Is it POSSIBLE? Our mind tells us no way, but history certainly tells a different story. History reveals the difference between believing something to be true and knowing something to be true. K said it best in MIB, “5000 years ago everyone KNEW the Earth was the center of the universe, 500 years ago everyone KNEW the Earth was flat...” And today everyone KNOWS that their own religious beliefs are the truth. But do they know, or do they just believe? Just because someone believes something doesn’t automatically make it true, but we only find truth in this statement while viewing the beliefs of others. Look at yourself. That is the challenge. Would you still believe what you believe if you had not been taught to believe it since you were capable of conscience thought? (What is the definition of brainwashing?)

Doubt is the enemy of every religion; yet it is the only conclusive test of any real truth. If I never doubt the existence of an invisible dragon living in my garage I will never know it isn’t true. At the same time, even if I do doubt that an egg will fry in a hot pan I can not change the truth that it will. Although falsities can be revealed through questioning, if you question the truth it remains true. So why is religion so afraid of doubt, when doubt is so easily quenched by the truth? Interesting question? Again, I ask only that you think on it; only that you open your mind. If we are ever to find the truth we must first stop fighting each other, and second leave behind all untruths. We must look at the opposition’s ideas. We must take an honest look and consider, even if only for a second, that we might be wrong in our own assertions. Maybe the person we’re watching through our window is wrong. Or maybe our window is really a mirror? Maybe we believe, but we don't really know.

Is this possible? I leave it to you…

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I think it can be easier to be more accepting of other people's beliefs if you were not brought up in church. That's not true of every person of course. But I think it is definitely a factor.
